Mrs Stone
How does one capture the essence of TC Tenet’s evocative music in a single frame? How can the profound lyrics of “Mrs Stone” find their visual counterpart, unveiling a captivating narrative? As a digital artist, I try to translate TC Tenet’s, “Mrs Stone” into a worthy visual experience.
So, within the lyrics lies a tale of loss, longing, and personal growth. From the haunting refrain of being “alone in a strange world” to the profound desire for peace and redemption, the song’s poetry guides my creative process. It is a delicate dance between shadows and light, vulnerability and resilience. The canvas becomes a stage, where photography, digital manipulation and generative art blend harmoniously.
As I composite elements of nature, stark brutalist architecture, and raw human emotions, this digital visual art comes to life.
Concept Art
The first concept took root in a space reclaimed by nature, where a statue of a woman resided in a an ethereal indoor space.
Here was “Mrs Stone”, her essence captured in stone and greenery. Light filtered through the glass window, casting ethereal shadows that quietly caressed the roots and the foliage creeping into the forgotten brutalist interior. Her silent form was cocooned in a brutalist, concrete shell, invaded by nature’s relentless growth.
The abandoned yet alive space, a digital assembly, mirrored the lyrics:
I’d give all I’ve got for a little peace of mind
Concept Art
Yet, like a song with countless renditions, heartache comes in many shades. Concept 2 dove into a surreal vision of a submerged house.
The room was filled with water, and in the center, the woman stood, as bare as her heart, surrounded by the ghostly remnants of a shared past. Digital ripples of torn pillows and fluffy foam scattered across the floor echoed the sunken emotions, while a lens flare painted a hint of hope amid the upheaval.
And I am still afraid, It’s getting hard and cold, In this little hole
The lyrics echoed in the water logged silence.
Release Artwork
As the narrative arch reached its denouement, the final concept offered a poignant climax. The maze transformed, illuminated by the promise of light, with the woman at the heart of it all. Her silhouette basked in the soft glow, her naked vulnerability now an emblem of acceptance.
Amidst the stark monochrome, her skin carries the gentle glow of the sun. Its the metamorphosis of a heart moving from dark shadows into the healing light. With each frame, I try to merge principal photography, with generative art, and 3D design. Shaping and refining a reality that resounded with the song’s heartbeat.
Different variations of the album cover were made as part of this project.
The client
TC Tenet
TC Tenet emerges from the London alt-rock scene as an artist, whose music, characterized by cinematic textures and contemplative lyrics, invites listeners on a profound auditory quest. TC’s craftsmanship echoes through his guitar, producing soundscapes that are as vast as they are intimate, reflecting a storyteller’s heart and a rock aficionado’s soul.